41 John St, Babylon, NY 11702

Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation.

Dr. Valente is certified in FAKTR, it was developed to help speed recovery from chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes and has also been shown to work extremely well on acute musculoskeletal & myofascial conditions.

This technique uses instrument assisted soft tissue and manual therapies, combine with Kinesio taping and various low-tech rehabilitation devices such as Thera-Band simultaneously. This approach provides a powerful stimulus to healing tissues.
August 02, 2014
chiropractor near me

Dr. Valente

Dr. Valente graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in Houston, Texas, with a focus on Radiology, Rehabilitation, and Myofascial Disorders. During this time he received a certification in Acupuncture and was trained in Concussion Grading, Athletic Taping and Kinesio Taping techniques. At the same time he joined the Baseball Sports Medicine Institute where he treated Professional and Amateur athletes.