41 John St, Babylon, NY 11702

Improve Your CrossFit Performance

In our Midtown East, New York chiropractic office, we are seeing an increasing number of patients who engage in CrossFit. Unfortunately, this particular type of training has a high injury rate—some research citing that amount at close to 75%. So, how can you improve your CrossFit performance without being injured? According to a study published in The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, the answer is by engaging in regular chiropractic care.

Fifty athletes participated in this particular study, with half being placed in a control group with no chiropractic services and the other half were assigned to receive regular chiropractic care. Prior to the study, each athlete was tested in regard to eleven different areas of physical development common to sports performance, such as balance, agility, and reaction time.

At the six week mark, the athletes who were not engaging in chiropractic showed improvement in two-thirds of the areas of physical development whereas all of the athletes receiving chiropractic “improved significantly in all 11.” The most notable effects were in the area of reaction time of their hands.

Six weeks into the study, the athletes who were not receiving chiropractic care improved a mere 1%, but 18% of the chiropractic athletes enhanced this particular skill. That amount increased to over 30% at the twelve week mark for the chiropractic participants, showing how much chiropractic care can enhance your sports and CrossFit performance.

Don’t become one of the 75% who experience a CrossFit injury. Make your appointment with Dr. Valente today and you will begin to see increased performance tomorrow!



Hak PT, et al. The nature and prevalence of injury during CrossFit training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2013 Nov 22.

Chiropractic: The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation [1991; 6:84-87.

October 15, 2014
chiropractor near me

Dr. Valente

Dr. Valente graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in Houston, Texas, with a focus on Radiology, Rehabilitation, and Myofascial Disorders. During this time he received a certification in Acupuncture and was trained in Concussion Grading, Athletic Taping and Kinesio Taping techniques. At the same time he joined the Baseball Sports Medicine Institute where he treated Professional and Amateur athletes.